OUAD SOF(algerie)


Souf Valley (ouad sof) in the south-east of Algeria, about 900 kilometers from the Algerian capital
   I've had sideburns prehistoric rich in fauna and flora, as he knew multiple civilizations since the Stone Age.
We have put a number of humanitarian flights and migrations through the will, which was the seat of the Berber tribes Alzenatih for a long time and then the armies of Romans used it to cross to the north. The first Arab tribes have reached Souf in the seventh century ago.
  The indigenous people of the will to live in tents and practicing animal husbandry and trade, but palm plantations made ​​them settle in the homes of gypsum.
  The Alsoafah paid and self-Nafis through popular resistance against the occupation and the brutal adopted the reform movements and political, as the will was a conduit for the transfer of weapons secretly towards the Aures region since 1947.
  And the will to do so during the war of liberation best sons and killed many of them either on the field of honor or in the prisons of the colonizer.
  City is the most beautiful cities in the valley of the Algerian Sahara, thanks to attractive architectural character.
  Rise silo mosque amid the weekly market, which is the beating heart of the city, where the scrambling crowd of picnickers and sellers and buyers were filled Aberaltwabl and being surrounded by the inherent values ​​of significant ancient Avatar, which represent a mixture of pride, originality and historical reference.
The best witness to that these four pages of frescos that is reminiscent of visiting the glorious history of the valley since the Stone Age and the latter Mmuthath Alogbar to extremely National Liberation War martyrs and the righteous.
  In addition to the testimonies contained in this modest museum of art and traditional ethnic descriptive, which is about the real treasures of the ancient Roman stones and loom machine, which takes us back to the glorious past.


  1. Okay...that is a great article and fabulous..
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    1. Thank you I am very happy
      Because the first comment I hope you visit someday thanks

    2. The most beautiful thing is the silent nature, which enchants its beautiful scenery


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