Algerian desert

Algerian desert different land , with volcanic formations carved by wind , amazing forms of exoticism , as if nature unleashes the unbridled imagination of those magical geography and Algeria prepares to big tourist renaissance , to be the forefront of global tourism and investment in the field of tourism . And the Algerian government program to achieve this, especially that Algeria is a " continent " variety with an area of more than 2,380 million square kilometers , make up most of the desert area .

The Ahaggar region of the Tuareg regions who are called "blue men" or "masked men". In Tamanrasset state located in the far south of Algeria and lies about 2,000 kilometers from the capital, the first festival was held for desert tourism at the end of last year and ended with the beginning of the new year. Experiencing Tamanrasset and the rest of the Algerian desert tourist movement is active, and where there are many agencies to organize trips in the volcanic desert-like poem carved in the open air depth. And is available in the Algerian desert camps and hotels for the establishment of tourists.
Tamanrasset Province in the land of the Tuareg, there is a special charm is the good of its people and their generosity and help them to guests spectacular desert

The women are Targih " Blue Magic " featuring a special beauty , and has a strong presence in the Tuareg community , which usually does not cover her face . The woman used the Tuareg " indigo " in dye fingers in blue, where used for decoration on the one hand and to protect against cold desert and its sun on the other hand . And her clothes are characterized predominantly blue colors and grades , as well as brown and maroon .

In those volcanic desert , SUV used in the tour . The roaming the magic and fun as a trip to the eye , it's also an opportunity for reflection and Agu.ovi the Sahara in Algeria , there is a special ritual of tea , which they call " Altai " , prepared by the man on the desert of firewood . Tea and three degrees , and the average over the sweetness and sweet . Some say he is at a given meeting dealt with " Altai " three , a sign of life and death , and rotation between bitterness and sweetness .
